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Terms Of Service for Pyramid Data Storage
Your use of tells us that you have read and agreed to our Terms Of Service, as well as our Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to these conditions, please exit the web site. We reserve the right to terminate clients or users who violate these Terms Of Service.

Client Information
By providing information to us, you guarantee that you have the right to give out this information, and that the information is correct.

We strive to provide a pleasant, functional, and accurate web site. We also strive to provide clients with a high level of secure, dependable, and ethical services. We will respond immediately to any communications from you and try to satisfy all of your business needs.

If you become a client of Pyramid Data Storage, you agree to be responsible for any and all activities that occur under your Username / Password. You also agree not to sell, transfer, or assign your client status to any other party.

TOS changes
We reserve the right to make changes to these terms of service as necessitated by our business needs.

Third Party Information
Since we have no control over the information provided by third parties, we are not responsible for any third party information or links on this web site. This information is provided only as a service.

Web site Information
Every attempt is made to assure that all information on this web site is correct and up to date. However, we cannot guarantee that this information is always 100% accurate. If you believe that there is an error in our data, please contact us and we will attempt to verify that information.


© 2005 | Modified: January 19, 2009 | Larry Billings Design, LLC
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