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Pyramid Data Storage Sample Backup Plan

Off-Site Backup Plan

  • Data requiring backup
    • List your core business
    • files on these lines,
    • add as needed
  • Backup type
    • Monday – full backup of files in category 1
    • Tuesday – Friday - differential backup of files in category 1
  • Backup location
    • Tape or Hard Drive backup in the office
    • Off-site backup to Pyramid Data Storage, LLC (PDS)
    • Primary data on PDS primary server (RAID 5)
    • Secondary (backup) data on PDS secondary server (RAID 5)
  • Encryption
    • DES, DDES, Triple DES (recommended), or Blowfish
    • Password encrypted on client computer prior to sending to PDS
    • Data on PDS server is encrypted and not readable by PDS
  • Restoration
    • Data restorable by client with original password
    • PDS can load files on a hard drive and deliver to client to speed up restore.

On-Site Backup plan

  • Data requiring backup
    • All Files
  • Backup type
    • Monday – full backup of all files
    • Tuesday – Friday - differential backup of files
  • Backup location
    • Tape or Hard Drive backup in the office
  • Encryption
    • Heaviest password encryption your software allows
  • Restoration
    • Data restorable with original password

Latest Plan Revision: XX/XX/XX

Please feel free to download this sample and use it.

Click Here to download this sample plan as a Word document

© 2005 | Modified: January 19, 2009 | Larry Billings Design, LLC
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